January 2020

Additional lesson times available now!!!

Robin and Rachel have opened up additional lesson spots in the next two weeks.

January 13-17, 2020 & January 20, 2020

Happy New Year from On the Lamb!

Our lambs are grazing in the hills. Please reach out if you would like some fresh, tasty lamb.

Moms and lambs grazing in the hills. 1/5/20

Moms and lambs grazing in the hills. 1/5/20

Our Lamb:

Grass & Grain Fed, Pasture Raised, No GMO, No Antibiotics,

All Natural, Organic, and Humanely Raised

  • USDA Prime Lamb available now!

  • Pre-order cuts of your choice for the next harvest. Or buy half or whole lamb.

  • Pre-order lamb dog food topper for the next harvest.

December 2019

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from On the Lamb!

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy new year!

Our latest batch of lambs are growing up nicely. They are starting to free-graze in the hills now that the grass is growing.

We also have some older lambs joining the work group and others being harvested. Please reach out if you would like to order some tasty lamb.

Aspen, our livestock guardian dog, hanging out with our new lambs.

Aspen, our livestock guardian dog, hanging out with our new lambs.

Upcoming Events

On the Lamb at the California Science Center - January 5, 2020

See us herding sheep live at the California Science Center on closing day of the Dogs! A Science Tail exhibition.

Pleasant Valley Stockdog Club Herding Trials - 2020

Pleasant Valley Stockdog Club has tentatively picked the following dates for our herding trials in 2020. Stay tuned for more information.

  • AKC: February 29 - March 1

  • AHBA: May 2 - 3

  • AKC: September 19 - 20

  • AHBA: December 5 - 6

AKC Temperament Testing & Farm Dog Certification - May 8-10, 2020

Pleasant Valley Stockdog Club will be offering AKC Temperament Testing (ATT) and Farm Dog Certification (FDC) at the Ventura County Fairgrounds on May 8-10, 2020. Come out and earn both titles in one day!

These titles are available to all AKC registered dogs and we are taking same-day sign-ups.

Please reach out with any questions and watch our website for more information.

Herding Instinct Tests - May 8-10, 2020

Pleasant Valley Stockdog Club will be offering Herding Instinct Tests at the Ventura County Fairgrounds on May 8-10, 2020. This is your chance to earn AKC’s official Herding Instinct Certificate in one day!

This certificate is limited to AKC-approved breeds and we are taking same-day sign-ups. Please see the AKC website for a list of approved breeds: https://www.akc.org/sports/herding/eligibility/

Please reach out with any questions and watch our website for more information.

Events Calendar

Check out our events calendar for more information on our events and other local herding trials.


Farewell and Best Wishes to Meagan

Meagan is heading to Colorado at the end of December to start new adventures in her life. We will miss her greatly but we wish her all the best.